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Identifying the top 54 reasons to
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From the creators of the "Deck of Republican Chickenhawks"


54 Reasons to IMPEACH the Un-Elected Fraud

Not to be confused with OTHER Bush cards.
This deck has more stacked against the un-elected fraud than any other!

From a stolen election to the ailing economy and the war in Iraq.
Learn the TRUTH about George W. Bush.

"The Deck of Bush" is printed on coated, 2-ply, poker-sized playing cards and
manufactured by Carta Mundi of Tennessee, right here in the U.S.A.!

For retail and catalog sales, please contact us here for wholesale information.

To view all cards in the "House of Cards: Deck of Bush", please scroll down past the ordering information.



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Click on a link to preview the cards!



And the Jokers:

Osama Bin Laden & Saddam Hussein !


Are you sick of media outlets like Fox, and others ignoring the lies and deceptions of George Bush in an effort to help support his corrupt adminsitration? Are you mortified by the lives lost in Iraq and our spiraling economy? A wise man said: Liberals are willing to die for their beliefs, conservatives are willing to kill for theirs.

The creators of Chickenhawk Cards bring you the perfect antidote to the conservative mediaís unwillingness to report the facts: the House of Cards: Deck of Bush playing card set.

That's right, the House of Cards: Deck of Bush is a set of playing cards that will not only make you laugh out loud, it also blows the lid off his lies and deceptions.

In the House of Cards: Deck of Bush, we reveal the truth about George W. Bush, citing news sources from around the world.

As the Republican Chickenhawks of America and the "Iraqi Most Wanted cards proved, there's no better way to "out" the enemy than to depict it on a deck of cards.


Bush thinks he can lead this country by lying, spinning and misleading the public about his administration's fiscal and public policy failures. He's spent more time on vacation than paying tribute to the honored dead coming back from Iraq. He has failed to address his AWOL status in the Texas National Air Guard, and invokes "executive priviledge" in matters related to investigating 9/11, closed door energy policy meetings in collussion with Enron, and the intelligence disasters related to the war in Iraq.

Weíre calling his bluff with the House of Cards: Deck of Bush, which raises the ante by spilling everything that the Boy Emperor doesnít want you to know.

Youíll find out all about his:

  • Passing the buck regarding the forged memo he cited in the State of the Union address to build a case for war with Iraq.
  • Conservative compassion when mocking death row inmate Karla Faye Tucker on the eve of her execution.
  • AWOL staus while dodging Vietnam during his stint in the Texas National Air Guard.
  • Administration's granting of no-bid contracts to companies contributing to his re-election campaign.
  • Real relationship with the Bin Laden family and how he helped them flee the country on 9/11.
  • Refusal to investigate security leaks within his own administration when related to political "enemies".
  • Refusal to allow 9/11 families access to information regarding Saudi Arabia's potential involvement in the 9/11 attacks.
  • Vandalism of the American flag.
  • Belief that "God has chosen" him to lead the country in this time of crisis.
  • Constant refusal to take responsibility for public policy failures and outright deceptions too numerous to list here!

The cards are a great tool to educate friends and foes of the lies of George Bush and the Bush Crime Family.

In four suits of the deck, we reveal the many facets of Bush:

  • The Spades reveal "The REAL Bush"- his alliance with the extreme right, religious conservatives, special interests, the phony claims he served in the military when he was actually AWOL and the fiasco in Florida where his allies helped seal his theft of the presidency.
  • The Hearts describe "Bush's Gifts to the American Public"- budget slashes that effect children, families, veterans, and the victimized families of 9/11.
  • The Diamonds recount the money-grubbing corporate greed of a "CEO President"- Learn about the cronyism, corruption and sweetheart deals granted to big campaign contributors while US citizens foot the tax burden.
  • The Clubs, appropriately, cover the "War with Iraq"- the lies and deceit surrounding the quagmire resulting from the pre-emptive conflict that is costing thousands of innocent U.S. and Iraqi lives as well as sacrificing our nation's credibility regarding the non-existant "Weapons of Mass Destruction".
  • And as for the Jokers, they expose Bush's biggest failures regarding the War on Terror and the security of all Americans.

The Deck of Republican Chickenhawks was a huge success revealing the GOP phonies who rallied for war while having avoided showing their own patriotism by dodging service.

Now we expect the House of Cards: Deck of Bush, to be the cure educating all Americans about the President's complete failures leading this country.

Youíll die laughing at the "House of Cards" design on the back of every card, modeled after Seal of the White House, to the great photos that capture the Bush bullying, cajoling, and lying throughout his term in office.

Millions of Americans will use, play and read the House of Cards: Deck of Bush, millions that can help inspire impeaching the President for his complicity in the crimes of his administration!

And after viewing these cards, millions will agree, George Bush should be impeached and removes from office as soon as possible.


"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else"

- Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States


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Copyright © 2004 - 2007 Nitestar Inc. All rights reserved.

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